Titre | La dialectique matérialiste dans Le Capital. : Quelques pistes pour rouvrir un vieux chantier | |
Auteur | Ludovic Hetzel | |
Revue | Actuel Marx | |
Numéro | no 51, avril 2012 Néolibéralisme : rebond/rechute | |
Page | 118-133 | |
Résumé anglais |
Dialectical Materialism in Capital. Some Suggestions for the Resumption of an old Debate The question of the Hegelian heritage within the Marxian dialectic is a classic one that is still an open one, after more than a century of fruitful and various inquiry. In order to tackle the issue from a new perspective, we must first distinguish between, on the one hand, the subjective dialectic, or logic of Marxian thought, which is clearly inherited from Hegel, and, on the other hand, the objective dialectic, or logic of reality itself, which Marx arrived at by way of a frontal opposition to his master, even as he took up the latter's “rational kernel” in order to invert it, substituting for Hegel's idealist philosophy of creation a materialist conception of production and replacing the logic of negativity by a logic of produ-activity. Thus conceptualized by Marx, the gnoseological dialectic and dialectical materialism interact rationally. This enables us to renew the foundations of a dialectical materialism. Unrelated to stalinist « diamat », such a conception is well equipped to demonstrate its effectiveness for the knowledge and understanding of realities, both in terms of their irreducible material singularity, apprehended according to their constitutive historicity, and as elements of a certain real totality which is in process. Source : Éditeur (via Cairn.info) |
Article en ligne | http://www.cairn.info/article.php?ID_ARTICLE=AMX_051_0118 |