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Titre Political concept behind an interplay of spatial « positions »
Auteur Véra Dorofeeva-Lichtman
Mir@bel Revue Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident
Numéro no 18, 1996 Disposer pour dire, placer pour penser, situer pour agir : Pratiques de la position en Chine
Rubrique / Thématique
I. Les positions, principes de structuration
Page 9-33
Résumé anglais This paper aims to show that conveying political ideas in spatial terms is an important and distinctive feature of ancient Chinese political thought. After a brief survey of the fundamental principles of ancient Chinese concepts of terrestrial space, the author examines two spatial schematic representations of the Seven Mighty Kingdoms of the Warring States period (403-222 B.C.). Comparative analysis provides a good illustration of how representing a set of kingdoms as a combination of cardinally-oriented « positions » served as an instrument to establish a sophisticated system of relationships between these kingdoms. Such a system, and, consequently, the expressed political concept, change dramatically with alterations in the relative « positions » of the kingdoms.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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