Contenu de l'article

Titre Astrologie calendaire et calcul de position dans la Chine ancienne. Les mutations de l'hémérologie sexagésimale entre le IVe et le IIe siècles avant notre ère
Auteur Marc Kalinowski
Mir@bel Revue Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident
Numéro no 18, 1996 Disposer pour dire, placer pour penser, situer pour agir : Pratiques de la position en Chine
Rubrique / Thématique
II. Les positions au service d'une étude du changement
Page 71-113
Résumé anglais Calendar astrology and the computation of positions in Ancient China The notion of position is first defined in relationship to the three elements characteristic of Chinese calendar astrology : the sexagesimal cycle, a schematic cosmography and the doctrine of the five agents (wuxing). Within this framework, a wei represents a conjunction of space and time, expressed in terms of sexagesimal indices. Positions form networks on the basis of which astronomical or meteorological phenomena can be converted in data for the interpretation of events. Phenomena are located within such networks and granted the properties of their wei. Secondly, the paper shows which part position played in the formation of the main divination systems of the classical period. the interpretation of events. Phenomena are located within such networks and granted the properties of their wei. Secondly, the paper shows which part position played in the formation of the main divination systems of the classical period.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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