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Titre Positions et changements en mathématiques à partir de textes chinois des dynasties Han à Song-Yuan. Quelques remarques
Auteur Karine Chemla
Mir@bel Revue Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident
Numéro no 18, 1996 Disposer pour dire, placer pour penser, situer pour agir : Pratiques de la position en Chine
Rubrique / Thématique
II. Les positions au service d'une étude du changement
Page 115-147
Résumé anglais Positions and changes in mathematics on the basis of Chinese texts of the dynasties han up to Song-Yuan. Some remarks The paper aims to account for the frequent occurrence of place-value notations in Chinese mathematical texts. To this end it embeds them within a broader context : the use which Chinese mathematicians made of positions when computing on a surface with counting-rods. A reconstruction of their practice shows that positions are dynamic entities and in fact are the actual objects on which computations bear. As a result, place-value notations appear to involve a specific kind of such dynamic entities : those whose behaviour in a computation present a uniformity. This fact relates their recurrence to the aims pursued in the research about algorithms.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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