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Titre Les mathématiques peuvent-elles n'être que pur divertissement ? Une analyse des tablettes votives de mathématiques à l'époque d'Edo
Auteur Annick Horiuchi
Mir@bel Revue Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident
Numéro no 20, 1998 Du divertissement dans la Chine et le Japon anciens. « Homo Ludens Extreme-Orientalis »
Rubrique / Thématique
II. Dans l'espace du divertissement
Page 135-156
Résumé anglais Can mathematics be pure entertainment ? An analysis of mathematical tablets of the Edo period It is often said that mathematics in Japan developped during the Edo period as a « magnificent art and recreation. » The great number of mathematical tablets (sangaku) displayed in temples and shrines are held to constitute proof of this. The present paper focuses on the function of these tablets as advertisements and in the communication between specialists. It shows that some of their features, such as the emphasis on aesthetics, can be explained by sociological and economic factors, such as the rivalry between schools of mathematics (most of which were located in the capital) and the professionalization of the art of teaching.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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