Contenu de l'article

Titre Le goût et les règles : les usages de la critique en Occident
Auteur François De Gandt
Mir@bel Revue Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident
Numéro no 26, 2004 «De la difficulte de juger». Quelques ressources du mode critique en Chine et au Viêt Nam
Rubrique / Thématique
IV. Regard extérieur
Page 163-172
Résumé anglais Tastes and Rules : Manners of Western Criticism The aim of the article is to study two cases of Western practice in critical procedures. In the first one based on Hume's Standard of Taste a paradox is developed according to which theories of science and of philosophy are less steady than judgements on pieces of art : the standard of taste seems to be more certain than that of science, at least at the level of centuries' continuity. In the second study dedicated to Aristotle's Topics, the procedures and functions of dialectical contest are taken into account, namely a kind of «game » which possesses its own rules and is aimed to define and to classify various forms of critical discourse (poetical, rhetorical, logical and scientific). These two cases are occasions for a formulation of criteria of truth and of aesthetic value, with different norms in different fields ; they also convey an enduring and strenuous effort to enlarge the frontiers of rational agreement
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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