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Titre L'accès à l'âme du monde. Définitions et approches à partir de l'œuvre de Zhang Zai (1020-1078)
Auteur Stéphane Feuillas
Mir@bel Revue Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident
Numéro no 29, 2007 De l'esprit aux esprits. Enquête sur la notion de shen
Rubrique / Thématique
III. Saisir la marche des choses. Les esprits dans la métaphysique et la cosmologie / Grasping the workings of things : spirits in metaphysics and cosmology
Page 121-150
Résumé Feuillas Stéphane. L'accès à l'âme du monde. Définitions et approches à partir de l'œuvre de Zhang Zai (1020-1078). In: Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident. 2007, N°29, De l'esprit aux esprits. Enquête sur la notion de shen. Of self and spirits : exploring shen in China. pp. 121-150.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
Résumé anglais " Entering the Soul of the World ". Defining and Approaching Shen in the Work of Zhang Zai (1020-1078) This article is organized in two parts. First, it argues that the term shen can be understood as " soul " within a specific frame of translation. We propose to set aside two antagonistic readings of the Zhengmeng [Discipline for the Young Dim-witted], one being materialistic and the other metaphysical, and to show that this work can be read following the European philosophical discourse on change and energy. By relating the thought of Zhang Zai to that of Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), Spinoza (1632-1677) and Diderot (1713-1784), we hope to remove some of the perceived ambiguity that surrounds his view of the absolute and seek to highlight a logic of soul, a fusing between energy and sensibility, as well as an ethical orientation. In the second part we examine the issue of the perception of this absolute and of the recognition of the soul. The ethical bias of Zhang Zai, his emphasis on the adequacy of conduct, on cautiousness and precaution, on the " trigger " of moral life (ji), help to describe the soul-becoming of man as a personal, physical experience of a flow, an influence parallel to a transformation of the self. " Soul " is seen as pure dynamism, freed from the hurdles of social relationship. This dynamism instills new powers and uses in human behavior and social practices.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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