Contenu de l'article

Titre The Russian Entrepreneur Today: Elements of Analysis of the Socialized Entrepreneur
Auteur Sophie Boutillier
Mir@bel Revue Journal of Innovation Economics
Numéro no 1, 2008 Focus
Page 131-154
Résumé anglais Entrepreneurs have been at the centre of economists' concerns and public policies since the beginning of the 1980s in capitalist economies. Entrepreneur in the contemporary economy is a socialized entrepreneur because he develops his activity in a particular economic environment which is structured by big firms (the network firms) and the directives of public choices. Much of today's Russian youth is fascinated by the idea of the free market economy and by the success of some entrepreneurs who have become billionaires. Who is the socialized entrepreneur in Russia today? His main objective is to develop an enterprise for intellectual achievement (Schumpeterian argument of the innovative entrepreneur) or for financial security? JEL: L26, L53, P2
Source : Éditeur (via
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