Contenu de l'article

Titre Canadian nanotechnology innovation networks: intra-cluster, inter-cluster and foreign collaboration
Auteur Andrea Schiffauerova, Catherine Beaudry
Mir@bel Revue Journal of Innovation Economics
Numéro no 4, 2009 Networks, Innovation and Clusters
Page 119-146
Résumé anglais This article studies innovation in Canadian nanotechnology clusters and networks using data from the intersection of the Nanobank database for Canadian inventors with that obtained from a search strategy modified from Porter et al. (2006). Using this selection of patents, we identify, analyze and characterize 8 Canadian nanotechnology clusters. We then construct the Canadian nanotechnology innovation network and describe the collaborative behaviour of the inventors. Most collaborative activity takes place inside nanotechnology clusters and Canadian inventors who decide to build cooperation ties outside their clusters most often prefer to do so with collaborators from abroad, mainly from the USA. A distance-based analysis confirms an important role of the geographical proximity when searching for a cooperation partner. Nevertheless, this importance significantly decreases when no partners are found within 600 km. Very distant or overseas collaborations are then preferred while the mid-range distance options are overlooked.JEL Codes: L24, L14, O32, R1
Source : Éditeur (via
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