Contenu de l'article

Titre Between crisis and wars - where is the United States heading?
Auteur Rémy Herrera
Mir@bel Revue Journal of Innovation Economics
Numéro no 12, 2013 Defence, Innovations and Growth
Page 151-174
Résumé anglais This article studies the U.
S. economy from an original point of view: that of the links existing between crisis and war. The first part analyzes the workings of the current crisis, considered to be a “systemic” one. The second part places the U.S. economy at the very heart of this crisis. The third part emphasizes the limitations of the anti-crisis policies that are being implemented, as well as the “currency war” issue. Then, the central focus moves towards U.S. warfare as a permanent feature. In a fifth part, the author examines the control exercised by finance capital on the military sector, including military-industrial complex and privately owned military companies. And finally, it examines how these links between crisis and war exacerbate the current capitalist contradictions.JEL Codes: E32, E62, G38, H56, P12, P43
Source : Éditeur (via
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