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Titre Vers le meilleur des mondes possibles ou les promesses du capitalisme cognitif
Auteur Thierry Pouch
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 152-153, 2e et 3e trimestre 2004 Travail globalisé, travail singulier
Page 151-162
Résumé anglais Abstract Has the emergence of « cognitive capitalism » solved the crisis of capitalism bedeviling economists for the past twenty years ? In the past, reflections based on foreign experiences with regard to the organization of work and production heralded the advent of a post-fordism. Have these embryonic solutions to capitalist crisis found their realization in the emegence of « cognitive capitalism » ? The historical conditions of production connected to this new productive logic centered on knowledge and information show that cognitive capitalism has its origins in economic policies aimed at avoiding the social agreements concluded in the 1950s. One of the important issues that the « cognitivists » should confront is whether capitalism has really called into question the theory of labor value and the profit motive. Equally, the fears occasioned by the emergence of cognitive capitalism concern the dehumanization of societies. Control over knowledge, science and information involves the danger of a profound separation between theory and the lived world that Edmund Husserl discussed beginning in 1936.
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