Contenu de l'article

Titre Travail, modulation et puissance d'action
Auteur Philippe Zarifian
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 152-153, 2e et 3e trimestre 2004 Travail globalisé, travail singulier
Page 201-227
Résumé anglais Abstract Social discipline has experienced a profound crisis, that Michel Foucault has theorized. In the area of salaried work, this crisis indicates an important change in how control is achieved by modulation, reintroducing constraint and domination through « objectives and results », but it also liberates initiative. The progressive generalization of this type of control depends on the tendencies it is designed to contain. At the heart of the trend towards modulation are new developments relative to individual action that we can evoke in the expression « to work is to accomplish. » It is in a context of the social relations of service, implied by the ethic of « rendering service, that this orientation is most strongly revealed.
Source : Éditeur (via
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