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Titre Le « creuset » français ou le mythe de l'intégration douce : les Républicains espagnols
Auteur Nicole Beaurain
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 83, 1er trimestre 1987 La mode des identités
Page 78-91
Résumé anglais The French « melting-pot » or the myth of gentle integration ! The Spanish Republicans Does identity play a determining role in the process of integration or non-integration of foreign populations or are factors other than those to which reference is usually made (hierarchy of identities and cultural « distance », times...) at work ? The example of the Spanish Republican refugees in France in 1939 could perhaps contribute some elements to the debate, as well as informing us about French identity at certain moments in history.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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