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Titre Pour une nouvelle relation sujet-objet dans l'acte thérapeutique
Auteur Docteur Thirion
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 84, 2e trimestre 1987 Éthique et science sociale
Rubrique / Thématique
Éthique et esprit scientifique
Page 17-28
Résumé anglais Dr Thirion, Towards a new subject-object relationship in the therapeutic act Our experience as a doctor, allopathist by training but open to other types of médecine (in particular, acupuncture, homeopathy and osteopathy) has led us to relativise the classical subject-object relationship of XlXth century « positive » science, which is the only relationship taught at the hospital and in the faculty. Sociologists like Morin amongst others, physicians like Espagnat, mathematicians like Thom and biologists like Guillé have started an epistemological debate on the subject-object relationship. It appears to us that it is up to doctors to do something similar for the therapeutic act. Let us dissect the doctor-patient interface, establishing thereby a new therapeutic manner, let us create new frontiers, and outline new interferences between doctor and patient. It is at this price that XXIst century médecine will be moulded to be operational and efficient in consulting rooms.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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