Titre | L'Europe de l'Est vue de Moscou ou « Mais comment peut-on être hongrois ? » | |
Auteur | Charles Urjewicz | |
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Revue | L'Homme et la société |
Numéro | no 88-89, 2e et 3e trimestre 1988 Staline est mort hier : L'émergence du social en U.R.S.S. | |
Rubrique / Thématique | L'URSS vue d'URSS. Dossier Écologie en U.R.S.S. |
Page | 139-145 | |
Résumé anglais |
Charles Urjewicz, Eastern Europe seen from Moscow or How can one possibly be a Hungarian ?
Thanks to Perestroïka, a new equilibrum seems to be emerging between the USSR and the rest of the socialist camp. Allies they remain, but henceforth partners too ; the Eastern European countries are one of the keys to the process now unfolding inside the Soviet Union. As they experiment with reform, they also represent an idea of Europeanness and a culture that have something vital and fundamental to offer the Soviets.
The press is playing an important role in the process. Portrayals of an ideal, abstract socialist camp are out of favour. Today, the task of the press is to take a clear-eyed, curious look at world that has grown different and more complex, feverishly fishing in this teeming pond for ideas. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/homso_0018-4306_1988_num_88_2_2346 |