Titre | Production ou « communication »? Changement de paradigme dans les sciences sociales : un problème éthique | |
Auteur | Philippe Despoix | |
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Revue | L'Homme et la société |
Numéro | no 93, 3e trimestre 1989 La gauche contemporaine aux États-Unis : mouvements d'hier et pensée d'aujourd'hui | |
Rubrique / Thématique | La gauche contemporaine aux États-Unis : mouvements d'hier et pensée d'aujourd'hui |
Page | 123-134 | |
Résumé anglais |
PhUippe Despoix, Production or « Communication ? »
While the anthropology of schools of marxian thought (and weberian to an extent) are interested in man essentially as a producer, Jünger Habermas and the ex-school of Budapest consider man also in terms of language. The latest attempts to reconstruct critical theory involve this « change of paradigm ». Three positions have emerged. For Habermas, a communicational reason inherent in language is becoming the real abstraction of a modernity for which the relation between reason and history can be fundamental. For Agnes Heller, this rationality contained in communication is only the starting point for discussions about values, discussions which consider a « rational Utopia » from an ethical point of view. G. Márkus, however, is sceptical about the possibility of radicalizing the production-centered paradigm by that centered on language, because the choice between material and communicational rationalities implies different relations to history. Reference to Theodor Adorno' s position shows how the heterogeneity between production and symbolic exchange was thought-out in the 1930s in relation to the idea of history-nature without positing the necessity of paradigmatic choice. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/homso_0018-4306_1989_num_93_3_2423 |