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Titre Est : ce qui se fait et se défait : Réflexions provisoires sur des bouleversements en cours et aux effets durables
Auteur Roland Lew
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 97, 3e trimestre 1990 Est-Ouest : Vieux voyants, nouveaux aveugles
Page 21-34
Résumé anglais Roland Lew, The East : What is being Done, and Undone There are several ways of understanding the changes that are occuring in the East. New personalities and strikingly dramatic events, such as the self-dissolution of actually existing socialism, can be referred to. In addition, the re-emergence of older cultural and social patterns such as cultural nationalism and religious sentiments is remarkable. There now is no choice but to call into question much received wisdom about existing socialism. The modernist pretentions of Stalinism enjoy no credibility and, more generally, much of what has been constructed in the East under existing socialism must be rejected. However, prudence requires a careful consideration of the bureaucratization of the whole of these societies, and of the negation real social groups. Equally, the long and complexe process of the reintegration of these societies into the logic of world capitalism must be analyzed. Further, the still mysterious relation between actually existing socialism and its socialist origins needs to be more adequately elucidated.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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