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Titre La sociologie en contre-point
Auteur Jean-Marie Vincent
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 97, 3e trimestre 1990 Est-Ouest : Vieux voyants, nouveaux aveugles
Page 45-57
Résumé anglais Jean-Marie Vincent, Sociology in Counterpoint Sociology has diversified, and its field of study has enlarged as its methods have become more complex and numerous. Since innovations in the discipline of linguistics in the 1960s, sociology has certainly made progress in terms of assimilating influences from other disciplines and reconciling paradigms that were apparently contradictory. However, in order to orient themselves, sociologists need to critically reflect upon social changes. Such an endeavor requires a return to the sociology of Weber and Marx.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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