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Titre Linguistique et sciences sociales : après le structuralisme
Auteur Pierre Achard
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 97, 3e trimestre 1990 Est-Ouest : Vieux voyants, nouveaux aveugles
Page 67-81
Résumé anglais Pierre Achard, Linguistics and the Social Sciences : Post-structuralism What role does linguistics have in the social and human sciences ? An initial response to this question was proposed around I960 by the structuralist movement, inspired by Claude Lévi-Strauss. Linguistics was considered a model, and the method of phonology was transposed to different fields. However, the lack of specificity proper to this method made it difficult to determine what was proper to language. Since that time, developments in linguistics have simultaneously worked to limit the application of methodologies borrowed from other fields and to stimulate the study of language as a part of social processes. Today, the social sciences are less interested in how the object of research functions as language, and more interested in how it functions with languages.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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