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Titre Société civile et théorie des formes
Auteur Michel Trebitsch
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 102, 4e trimestre 1991 État et société civile
Page 29-31
Résumé anglais Michel Trebitsch, Civil Society and the Theory of Forms At the present time, the ideological function of the concept of "civil society" is related to its use as a synonym for "people", "nature", "liberty", etc.). The concept of civil society is indissociable from the theory of the modern State, both possessing their own laws and principles of organization. The marxian overturning of the Hegelian theory of the State has been analyzed by Henri Lefebvre as the basis of a "theory of forms" (juridical, moral, logical, and political) indispensable for understanding the relation between the State and civil society. Reflection on this basis could prove enlightening in the present conjoncture.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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