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Titre L'imaginaire guerrier dans la poétique surréaliste
Auteur Claude Maillard-Chary
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 107-108, 1er et 2e trimestre 1993 Guerre et paix aujourd'hui
Page 73-83
Résumé anglais Claude Maillard-Chary, War Imaginary in Surrealist Poetry With Apollinaire, war imagery was introduced into vanguard poetry, depriving it of any reaction against the cult of violence which was dwarfed to the proportions of a child's game. Against this trend, and notwithstanding their fascination with « the Enchanter », the surrealists sought to revive the horror of war through use of automatic messages, accounts of dreams and psychotic minidramas based upon ravings and obsessions of soldiers back from the front. We see here, in the first surrealist generation's baptism of blood, the appearance of a crack in the edifice of modernity.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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