Contenu de l'article

Titre Les sciences sociales : de la mission au métier
Auteur Frederik Mispelblom
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 109, 3e trimestre 1993 Sciences sociales et travail
Page 19-30
Résumé anglais Frederik Mispelblom, The Social Sciences from Mission to Job In contrast to the idea developed in number 95-96 of L'Homme et la Société on the theme of "Mission et démission des sciences sociales", directed by Jean-Pierre Durand, it is possible that there is less a crisis within the social sciences than in the idea that we have of the social sciences. Far from having been removed from political or economic influences, certain currents , within the social sciences have been linked to business and political interests for a long time. But even the position of the "ivory tower" is far from disinterested. For this reason, critical debate about the social role of the social sciences is appropriate and necessary.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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