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Titre Le sociologue et les acteurs : épistémologie, éthique et nouvelle forme d'engagement
Auteur Philippe Corcuff
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 131, 1er trimestre 1999 Politique des sciences sociales
Rubrique / Thématique
Politiques des sciences sociales
Page 135-148
Résumé anglais Philippe Corcuff, The Sociologist and the Actors : Epistemology, Ethics and new forms of Commitment Are social sciences presently liable to provide academics and social scientists with a basis to renew their civil commitment, inside as well as outside the autonomous framework of their skills, with a broader social, political and ethical concern ? The categories of commitment and distanciation (Norbert Elias) and a dialectization of the ideal-typical patterns of the historically tested relationship to commitment are the starting point of this reflexion. It leads to the concept of a moving reflexivity as a means to increase the accuracy of social sciences, as well as to a shift in the relationship to the social actors which should no longer be external or from above.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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