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Titre Appointments to the Russian Senate, 1762-1796
Auteur John P. Le Donne
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers du monde russe
Titre à cette date : Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique
Numéro volume 16, no 1, janvier-mars 1975
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 27-56
Résumé anglais John P. Le Donne, Appointments to the Russian Senate, 1762-1796. The Russian Senate remained until the end of the eighteenth century the major coordinating agency of domestic administration and the study of its membership helps to identify a substantial segment of the ruling group. It has been found that Catherine appointed one hundred and thirty-two senators during her reign and that most of these men can be classified into two family groups : the one related to the Panin family whose major figure in this period, Nikita, was the dominant influence on Russian foreign policy in the early years of the reign, and the other related to the Viazemskii and Trubetskoi families with which the post of Procurator-General was associated for more than half a century.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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