Titre | Les Lumières au carrefour de l'orthodoxie et du catholicisme [Le cas des uniates de l'Empire russe au début du XIXe siècle] | |
Auteur | Daniel Beauvois | |
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Revue |
Cahiers du monde russe Titre à cette date : Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique |
Numéro | volume 19, no 4, octobre-décembre 1978 | |
Rubrique / Thématique | Études |
Page | 423-441 | |
Résumé anglais |
Daniel Beauvois, The Enlightenment at the crossroad of Orthodoxy and Catholicism. The Uniats of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the XlXth century.
Greek Catholics, or Uniats, must adapt themselves to the general trend of the evolution of Christian churches in Europe in the XVIIIth century: rationalization, laicization, antimonachism, public service. The choice is between the adhesion of some 3 to 4 million people to Russian culture or their maintenance within the sphere of Polish culture to which they belonged since the Union in 1596. The violently antipapist spirit which dominates in the main Seminary of Vilna prepares — unnoticed by the Polish responsible parties — the return of parochi (secular priests) to the Orthodoxy, whereas the Basilicans (Regulars) conditioned by their fortune, their possessions, their aristocratic and Polish origin, choose the service of the Enlightenment and of its symbol in the recently annexed territories. They accept all the scholar directions of the Vilna University and constitute by far the most numerous and active teaching congregation. With the nationalistic and orthodox reaction of Šiškov, this alibi of the service of the Enlightenment loses its meaning and the State religion claims the Basilican riches, allowing after three centuries of Polish influence, the establishment of the Russian cultural domination in Bielorussia, in Lithuania and in parts of Ukraine. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/cmr_0008-0160_1978_num_19_4_1338 |