Titre | L'homme devant Dieu chez Lev Šestov et Marina Cvetaeva | |
Auteur | Véronique Lossky | |
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Revue |
Cahiers du monde russe Titre à cette date : Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique |
Numéro | volume 29, no 3-4, juillet-décembre 1988 Le christianisme russe entre millénarisme d'hier et soif spirituelle d'aujourd'hui | |
Page | 519-531 | |
Résumé anglais |
Véronique Lossky, Man before God in Lev Shestov's and Marina Tsvetaeva's works.
Marina Tsvetaeva's and Lev Shestov's roads only crossed episodically in Paris but the itinerary of both of them is made of torments and interrogations so that their approach in respectively poetry and philosophy seems akin.
Both of them interrogate other creative minds to try and define their exceptional spirit and their attitude to God. Shestov addresses himself to other writers' works and Tsvetacva to her friends, the poets and through them to her own poetry.
In their opinion, creation is a march along an abyss and at the same time a love relation between the creator and his work. They adopt a "reverse" moral, that of Beatitudes, and endeavor to extricate God from the disguise in which men, institutions and Churches dress Him up. The art of both presents strict requirements ; it has the power of vocation and this explains their vehement refusal of cliche and evidence concerning God Himself. They are both convinced that the creator is called upon to accomplish in life his relation of privileged love for his work and at the same time his likeness to God, since God has created him in His own Image.
It is within this meaning that the two creators are the worthy heirs of a 1000 years of Russian Christianity that we are celebrating now. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/cmr_0008-0160_1988_num_29_3_2166 |