Titre | Kropotkine savant [Vingt-cinq lettres inédites de Pierre Kropotkine à Marie Goldsmith, 27 juillet 1901-9 juillet 1915*] | |
Auteur | Michaël Confino, Daniel Rubinstein | |
Revue |
Cahiers du monde russe Titre à cette date : Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique |
Numéro | volume 32, no 2-3, avril-septembre 1992 | |
Rubrique / Thématique | Anniversaire de la naissance de P. Kropotkine |
Page | 243-301 | |
Résumé anglais |
M. Confino and D. Rubinstein, Kropotkin as scientist. Twenty-five unpublished letters front Peter Kropotkin to Marie Goldsmith, 27 July 1901-9 July 1915.
Peter Kropotkin is remembered as the greatest anarchist theoretician of his generation, as a social thinker, and a prolific writer. But in addition to these achievements, he had also a deep interest in science (originating probably from the "scientist" ethos of the 1860's). The fields which attracted him most were, first geology, then biology and genetics.
Using twenty-five unpublished letters of his to Marie Goldsmith, a fellow anarchist and a professional biologist at the Sorbonne, this study describes and analyses Kropotkin's scientific contribution, and his involvement in the great debates in the early twentieth century: nature versus nurture, inherited versus acquired characteristics, role of the environment, mutations, plasticity of animal behavior, mutual aid in and among the species, social Darwinism... A genuine polymath, Kropotkin wrote with skill and intuition on these fundamental issues, some of which are still on the agenda of contemporary science and of social theory. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/cmr_0008-0160_1992_num_33_2_2320 |