Titre | Мифологические мотивы в лирике Вячеслава Иванова и И. Анненского | |
Auteur | Aleksandr Kushner | |
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Revue | Cahiers du monde russe |
Numéro | volume 35, no 1-2, janvier-juin 1994 Un maître de sagesse au XX e siècle Vjačeslav Ivanov et son temps | |
Rubrique / Thématique | Exégèses |
Page | 235-247 | |
Résumé anglais |
Aleksandr KUSHNER, The mythological themes in the lyric poetry of Viacheslav Ivanov and of I. Annenskii.
In spite of the common characteristics of their philological interests, linked to antiquity, Ivanov and Annenskii varied greatly in their approach to myth of which they made use very differently in their lyric poetry. This is explained by the variety of their conceptions of poetical objectives. For Ivanov, the mythological theme was mainly a way to transfer poetical language into supraterrestrial spheres, a cosmic domain "inconceivable by the mind", in which this language adopted a metaphysical, orgiastic, dionysian meaning ; in his poetry, the names and the mythological themes, linked to each other, were transformed often enough into a unique, self-sufficient theme and, by comparison with it, the contemporary life appeared as prosaic and of little interest. For Annenskii, on the other hand, the myth deprived of "dimness" presented unexpectedly a present-day aspect in his poetry and played therein only the part of striking and original metaphors. Annenskii created in his verses a new, everyday myth, originating in the painful conjunction of the soul with the surrounding world. He viewed contemporary life as terrible, as well as beautiful and mysterious, and the "sublime" and the "inconceivable" were not "superpositions" originating from above — as in the case of Ivanov — but from life itself. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/cmr_1252-6576_1994_num_35_1_2388 |