Titre | L'impact des sociétés du XVIIIe et du XIXe s sur les paysages garonnais. / The impact of XVIIIth and XIXth century societies on the landscapes of the Garonne. | |
Auteur | Philippe Valette, François Gazelle | |
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Revue | Géocarrefour |
Numéro | volume 75, no 4, 2000 L'interface nature-sociétés dans les hydrosystèmes fluviaux | |
Page | 337-345 | |
Résumé anglais |
Changes to the river are the result of both natural factors (flow, slope) and human intervention (hydraulic, agricultural and urban development schemes). Over time, the links with local societies have evolved, at times being very close and at others looser diffuse. This variation has given rise to specific fluvial landscapes. It is therefore important to retrace the development of the river over several centuries, evaluating the respective importance of natural and human factors in this process. The spatial framework of the study covers the central part of the Garonne valley, between Toulouse and Langon. Two homogeneous sections can be distinguished along this alluvial corridor : from Toulouse to the Tarn confluence and from this point to Castets-en-Dorthe. In this zone, the Garonne and its valley are of considerable importance, representing a vast area for flood expansion. The length of these sections prohibits an exhaustive study of their characteristics. Consequently, selected geographical scales are analysed. Within the two sections, two sites with similar features are studied in more details (Ondes and Caudrot). Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/geoca_1627-4873_2000_num_75_4_2485 |