Titre | Les fondements de l'ordre urbain dans le monde arabe médiéval : réflexions à propos de Cordoue au Xème s | |
Auteur | Jean-Pierre Van Staëvel | |
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Revue | Géocarrefour |
Numéro | volume 77, no 3, 2002 L'espace public au Moyen-Orient et dans le monde arabe | |
Page | 225-234 | |
Résumé anglais |
In order to avoid essentialist ideal-types and abstract generalizations which were, in their time, produced by the discourse of orientalists contrasting the apparent disorder of Islamic medieval towns with the order of classical ones, the present article takes a very precise historical case, namely the town of Cordova at its apogee in the Xth century- It analyses, by using different sources (chronicles, legal texts and the result of archeological excavations), the nature and foundations of the urban order in Cordova, compared with the social organization and the specificity of the interplay between the state and society. It also looks at the articulation between different spaces, especially between the private and public spheres. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/geoca_1627-4873_2002_num_77_3_2747 |