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Titre Hellénisme, Hellinismos : nation sans territoire ou idéologie ? / Hellenism, Hellinismos ; a nation without territoy or ideology ?
Auteur Michel Bruneau
Mir@bel Revue Géocarrefour
Numéro volume 77, no 4, 2002 La Grèce aujourd'hui
Page 319-328
Résumé anglais The notion of Hellenism has been widely used in literature and the human sciences as well as in the view of Greek politicians and the Greek media. In fact, it covers several distinct ideas which have varied over time. The notion also designates a nation without a territory, which has stood the test of time and which refers to several spatial and temporal identities. It also has a universial dimension, indicating a way of life, of thinking, of understanding nature and culture, a manner of believing, all supported by a language which has strawn exceptional continuity from antiquity to the present day. Such a polysemic richness does not exist for other peoples or languages. This article considers the reasons for the existence and destiny of such a notion, with its strong sense of identity and universal aim, and the links it has with the idea of territory, particularly with respect to the Greek nation-state and the diaspora.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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