Contenu de l'article

Titre Évangélos Bakayannis, souvenirs d'une enfance ballottée aux portes de la Grèce
Auteur Pierre-Yves Péchoux
Mir@bel Revue Géocarrefour
Numéro volume 77, no 4, 2002 La Grèce aujourd'hui
Page 335-342
Résumé anglais This article presents the autobiographical account of the changing events of a Greek family from the Epire region during the Second World War. These events are relived by a young boy who, in relation to fluctuations in the front line of the war zone, to the actions of the Italian and German occupying forces, the Albanian minority and the Greek resistance, is abruptly forced to change home on several occasions. This story illustrates the fragile nature of borders and the instability of populations in relation to political circumstances.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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