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Titre La périurbanisation dans l'espace rural grec / Peri-urbanisation in Greak rural areas
Auteur Antonis Moissidis, Théodossia Anthopoulou
Mir@bel Revue Géocarrefour
Numéro volume 77, no 4, 2002 La Grèce aujourd'hui
Page 359-366
Résumé anglais Peri-urbanisation in Greece occurs in three major ways. First, around the two cities of Athens and Salonika with the outward spread of industry and the extension of residential zones. Second, by the progressive diffusion of activities around small and medium-sized towns. Finally, along coastal zones and in the islands, in more less discontinuous form, linked to tourism. The study of two villages in the region of Corinthia in the Peloponnese illustrates peri-urbanisation around Athens : population increase, a change in agricultural specialisation and the development of second homes.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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