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Titre La prise en compte de l'histoire dans la gestion des corridors fluviaux : les enseignements des aménagements anciens / Historical reconstruction and the present management of stream corridors : lessons from past techniques
Auteur Jacky Girel
Mir@bel Revue Géocarrefour
Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon
Numéro volume 71, no 4, 1996 La rivière, un corridor naturel à gérer
Page 341-352
Résumé anglais Since the 17th century, engineers have modified the dispersion patterns of flows (water, energy, matter, nutrient) in order to protect croplands and improve yields. Engineering- works controlled the flows and consequently disturbed the habitats. However, they were also developed in order to protect and improve soils and crops. Hence, the methods used a century ago are sometimes similar to the soft bioengineering techniques which are presently developed to restore and manage rivers. Various examples of old techniques aiming at controlling river flows (e.g. drainage, dredging, warping, irrigation, fertilization) are described. Through the establishment of habitats favourable to new plant communities, these anthropogenic disturbances have created a heterogenous landscape. A sustainable management of this interesting and fragmented ecocomplex must be developed. It is shown that numerous techniques used two centuries ago might be improved to restore floodplains and develop buffer-zones.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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