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Titre Le développement spatial de Bogota dans les années 1990 : une difficile reconquête de sa maîtrise par les pouvoirs publics / The spatial development of Bogota in the 1990s : a difficult regain of its control by the authorities
Auteur Lulle Thierry, Dureau Françoise
Mir@bel Revue Géocarrefour
Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon
Numéro volume 74, no 4, 1999 Villes d'Amérique Latine plus grandes que leurs problèmes ?
Page 291-300
Résumé anglais From the 1940s, Bogota experienced a strong acceleration of its growth. Uncurbed and largely spontaneous urbanization is then controlled, with difficulty, by an urbanism which in reality is limited to the development of the road network. Over the last twenty years the city has turned to a metropolis. Whereas spatial expansion is now occuring beyond the urban perimeter, densities in the existing area are increasing greatly. This process is to a large extent characterized by changes in the population, notably with new forms of mobility, but also in the nature of the planning process itself and in the management of urban development. In the two latter cases, despite being progessively reformulated to achieve better control, their effectiveness remains limited. Probably the processes of metropolitan growth and their effects on spatial dynamics of different forms of mobility are still inadequately integrated. This article examines this discrepancy by a diachronic analysis of the interactions over the last fifty years between spatial and demographic dynamics and the attitude of authorities, followed by an analysis of the contemporary situation.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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