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Titre Le triptyque aéroportuaire lyonnais : une analyse géographique des installations, du trafic, des horizons aériens et de l'aire de desserte terrestre de l'aéroport de Lyon-Satolas
Auteur Jacques Charlier
Mir@bel Revue Géocarrefour
Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon
Numéro volume 56, no 2, 1981
Page 115-163
Résumé anglais On April 20th, 1975 the brand new airport of Satolas was opened to traffic. Located 25 kilometres eastwards of Lyon, it was due to replace the former Bron airport, which was unable to cope with the traffic forecasts. The booming development that occured since is reviewed but some shadows are observed now ; the cancellation of the main air freght traffic to Kano, as well as the opening of the new high speed railway line linking Paris and Lyon are the main present concerns. The paper also brings a methodological contribution to the geography of air transport since the concept of « airport's tryptic » is defined, wherein the airport plays as a place of interchange between its hinterland and foreland ; because appropriate statistical data are lacking, foreland and hinterland connections of Satolas are reviewed successively, instead of simultaneously, as it would be desirable ; the author feels that further case studies are needed to test the concept of a hinterland-foreland continuum.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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