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Titre Structures d'exportation dans l'industrie lyonnaise
Auteur Marie-Pierre Béraud
Mir@bel Revue Géocarrefour
Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon
Numéro volume 57, no 2, 1982
Page 155-164
Résumé anglais The whole of commercial structures — internal as well as external — must be adapted to the present requirements of the expanding foreign markets. Many French compagnies will have to modify their commercial structures by creating or strengthening the export departments, which implies that they are bound to reconsider their sales strategy and market network abroad. Further, export aid services must be promoted and improved, so that even small compagnies may assert themselves and take part in international trade. In spite of the sustained efforts of both, manufacturers and Public Powers, the constant deficit of the French trade balance proves that our economic expansion is, as a whole, tied to the level of exports. Now if ever is the time to reinforce the notion of the primacy of the export sector and — consequently consider its reorganization as imperious.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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