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Titre Une auto-capture du Rhône par déversement dans les Basses Terres du Bas-Dauphiné (Isère, Ain)
Auteur Jean-Paul Bravard
Mir@bel Revue Géocarrefour
Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon
Numéro volume 58, no 4, 1983
Page 369-381
Résumé anglais After the last alpine glaciation of the Würm the over deepened glacial troughs of the Dauphiné piedmont have been filled in with glacio-lacustrine clay and coarse materials from local streams. The Rhone river has occupied lately the basin of the Basses Terres at the Southern part of the Jura Mountains because the pleistocene alluvium had first to fill in the upper basins ; new artificial cuts have shown the destruction of a peat of Atlantic age (6330 ± 140 B.P.) by the fluviatile erosion. The coarse-grained sediment of the Rhone river has the shape of a wedge and has been aggrading from an upstream control. Around the 6th century AD. the Rhone river self-captured by dumping through a fossile glacial through. These recent events explain the braiding pattern of the new section which is quickly aggrading and lighten several enigmatic historical facts.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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