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Titre Les problèmes de la bonification en système socialiste d'après l'exemple de la plaine valaque
Auteur Jacques Bethemont
Mir@bel Revue Géocarrefour
Titre à cette date : Revue de géographie de Lyon
Numéro volume 51, no 3, 1976
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 233-258
Résumé anglais Though almost non-existent when the socialist regime came into being, the Rumanian hydraulic agriculture now concerns more tham 3 705 000 acres, mainly in the Danubian plain. So remarkable a transformation was made possible by the features of the natural milieu : flatness, deep soils, favorable estival pluviometry. But the determining [actor seems to have been the socia~ lization of the land which made it possible to remould space rationably and thus implement its hydraulic development. As far as human behaviour is concerned, socialization is far from having solved all the problems, and it is probably because the cultural choices were very simple (corn, maize, sunflower, lucern) that the irrigation scheme was rapidly developped.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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