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Titre Nouveaux modèles de transition et d'exclusion sociale de la jeunesse au Royaume-Uni
Auteur Robert Mac Donald
Mir@bel Revue Agora débats/jeunesse
Numéro no 5, 1996/3 Les rapports entre générations en Europe.
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier "Les débats" : Les rapports entre générations : un enjeu pour l'Europe sociale
Page 37-48
Résumé anglais Studies of the economic restructuring of the UK and other Western societies suggest that post-Fordist economies will be typified by increases in the numbers of workers unemployed or sub-employed in casual, informal, peripheral, non-standard jobs. Clearly the future working lives of many young people will be radically different from those of their parent generation, as full emploment in regular, relatively permanent jobs give way to more insecure and risky working lives. Some of the social problems that have accompanied the facturing of previous youth transitions are reviewed and the idea that such problems are indicative of the emergence of a deviant, anti-social, anti-work underclass introduced. The focus is upon Teeside in the North-east of England : a locality which reveals these broad social and economic transformations in the most dramatic way. Four themes which might inform future research on marginal youth transitions and social exclusion in the UK are outlined and, in conclusion, some of the implications of these changes for intergenerational relations are discussed.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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