Contenu de l'article

Titre Changement de statut de la jeunesse : les débats politiques aux Pays-Bas
Auteur Hans Van Ewifk
Mir@bel Revue Agora débats/jeunesse
Numéro no 5, 1996/3 Les rapports entre générations en Europe.
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier "Les débats" : Les rapports entre générations : un enjeu pour l'Europe sociale
Page 49-55
Résumé anglais In this article, it is argued that in Dutch youth policy of the 80's, there was a noticeable change of approach to young people. Before this period, policy concerning young people was based on the concept of optimal fulfillment, a psychosocial enhancement of the human. In the 80s, the psychological and educational point of view is supplanted by an economic approach of offer and demand. Young people need to be better equipped for the employment market. For that they must be cheaper, better trained and adapted. This swing signifies that the image of universal identity and of mankind has been abandonned. The differences between humans and the necessity for a différenciation between work levels and contents require a harmonization between the individual and society. Stress is no longer placed on man by means of psychosocial categories but on man through the procuring a job and of training.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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