Contenu de l'article

Titre Générations et changement social dans le Mezzogiorno italien
Auteur Carmen Leccardi
Mir@bel Revue Agora débats/jeunesse
Numéro no 5, 1996/3 Les rapports entre générations en Europe.
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier "Les débats" : Les rapports entre générations : un enjeu pour l'Europe sociale
Page 81-90
Résumé anglais The article pays particular attention to inter-generational relations in a disadvantaged region of the Mezzogiorno of Italy, Calabria. Within this social context, modernized and yet still characterised by a weak economy, contrasting cultural worlds, both traditional and modern, co-inhabit. Being young and growing up here means learning to combine the uncertainties of the present day with the historic assurances of the past. An essential point of reference for young people with relation to this is the sheer vitality of the family institution as well as its great capacity to remember.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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