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Titre 2. Document et métiers d'art
Auteur Gérard Régimbeau, Corinne Jouys Barbelin, Yves Gagneux, Elisabeth Royer Grimblat, Nicholas Crofts, Isabelle Quaglia, Aurélie Quinodoz, Pierre-Yves Lochon, Omer Pesquer
Mir@bel Revue I2D - Information, données & documents (anciennement : Documentaliste - Sciences de l'information)
Numéro vol. 51, no 2, 2014 Document et musée : du discours sur l'œuvre à la médiation culturelle
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier : Document et musée : du discours sur l'œuvre à la médiation culturelle
Page 44-55
Résumé anglais 2. The document and professions associated with works of art
This second section addresses the issue of how documentation is used within a museum but also how knowledge is shared via networks. More broadly, we analyse how documentation transmits, assists and guides professionals who are closely or remotely in contact with a work of art. Cross-metier information and communication functions in museums are based on a concept of shared information practices in which each intervention, through an association of techniques and mediation, finds its own necessity.
Source : Éditeur (via
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