Contenu de l'article

Titre Deux femmes détestables ? Dire les inimitiés en famille
Auteur Sibylle Gollac
Mir@bel Revue Genèses
Numéro no 96, septembre 2014 Le dégoût des autres
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier : Le dégoût des autres
Page 9-34
Résumé anglais Two despicable women? Expressing animosity in the family
On the basis of two long-term monographic studies, this article explores the conditions of hostility expression within the family by focusing on two figures : a sister and a sister-in-law. Such animosities are equally challenges to membership in the family group and calls to order, both in terms of everyday solidarity and in terms of issues concerning the reproduction of the group's social status. Their modes of enunciation vary considerably according to whether they refer to a blood relation or to an ally, but their common traits also reveal the weight of gender when feelings are expressed among family.
Source : Éditeur (via
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