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Titre Infrastructures et réseaux dans le développement économique de la Hongrie
Auteur Tamás Fleischer
Mir@bel Revue Flux
Numéro no 10, octobre-décembre 1992
Page 41-51
Résumé anglais Tamás FLEISCHER, Infrastructures and networks in Hungary's economic development. Technical networks and service infrastructures represent a major obstacle in the development of Hungary, according to the author. Studies have revealed lack of equipment and functional incapacity. This situation is partly the result of a long-term crisis. But it is also the reflection of the structure of centralized authority, set up after WWII, which could neither imagine nor maintain independent networks. The recent political changes, as well as expansion towards a market economy, has raised new, contradictory questions: the role of the State, methods for establishing real costs, the respective place of self-regulation and public intervention. The author feels that the solution is not to restructure the country according to the models imported from the West; rather, the public authorities still have a role to play in the control and regulation of these sectors.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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