Titre | Organisation productive et réseaux | |
Auteur | Nicole May | |
Revue | Flux | |
Numéro | no 13-14, juillet-décembre 1993 | |
Page | 19-32 | |
Résumé anglais |
Recent analyses of current transformations of productive organization have stressed the increasing role played by non-market relationships (and this does not imply a weakening of competition and a decrease in market relationships - the contrary would appear to hold) and other social relationships, which are not reducible to mere institutional and organizational dimensions. Accounting for these new dimensions, which participate in productive organization (in the broad sense), is nonetheless often carried out in a reductive mode, narrowly associating social and spatial proximity, and at the same time, designating territorial integration as the new, orthodox spatial form of productive organization. This article reviews these various analyses and attempts to demonstrate how relying on the notion of "social networks" makes it possible to better take into account the new social and spatial dimensions of productive organization. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/flux_1154-2721_1993_num_9_13_961 |