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Titre Les Expériences françaises de réseaux de villes : des dynamiques pour de nouveaux territoires
Auteur Frédéric Tesson
Mir@bel Revue Flux
Numéro no 27-28, janvier-juin 1997
Page 25-40
Résumé anglais The expression"network of cities" here refers to French experiments in policies of development and territorial planning encouraged by the French agency DATAR since the end of the 1980s. The notion of network is taken here as a process, the mode of functioning of a given social group. The relationship which is set up between the mayors in different experiments clearly shows that what we have here is a network of public actors. Contrary to "clubs" of cities which develop around one specific problem (such as, for example, cities linked to the French high speed trains [the TGV]), networks of cities give greater priority to the problems of territorial development concerning one portion of the urban technical network, most often by transgressing political-administrative boundaries, in order to encourage an eminently territorial development. In this sense they are in fact related to territorial dynamics, based frequently on a strong conciousness of "place". Networks of cities are based on what local officials want; because of this, they correspond only partially to the idea of equity put forward in territorial development. In fact, even if the territories concerned by this policy are only "marginal" or peripheral, only officials who want to can benefit from all the advantages. In the same way, supported by the officials of the cities-centres, the networks of cities often imply much more than just community location. It is clear that this state of things does not make it possible to consider this type of action as "fair" in the sense of equitable. On the periphery of national territory, in regional « markets » or at the doors of large European development spaces, networks of cities take their place especially with respect to those forms of territorialized organization whose boundaries they transgress, namely politics and administration. Moreover, especially with respect to medium-sized cities, networks of cities expect to modify the perception of urban networks and their hierarchy.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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