Contenu de l'article

Titre Le rôle des réseaux productifs dans la dynamique territoriale : perspectives et enjeux en terme d'équité socio-spatiale
Auteur Pascal Chauchefoin, Olivier Bouba-Olga
Mir@bel Revue Flux
Numéro no 27-28, janvier-juin 1997
Page 59-69
Résumé anglais In this article we are interested in the role of productive networks in territorial dynamics. We shall first explain how to theoretically construct the existence of productive networks starting with various notions of externality. We shall then evaluate the input and limits of a few "exemplary" evolutionist models, which according to our analysis represent a rigorous attempt to formalize the dynamics of productive networks. On these bases, we shall show that territorial dynamics result from the interlinking and interaction between territorial and a-territorial productive networks (with the possible effect of substitution between these two types of network). This analytical grid raises important problems concerning socio-spatial equity, thus calling into question the habitual practices used in territorial planning and development.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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