Contenu de l'article

Titre Vers une déstabilisation des macro-systèmes techniques ? Le travail des technologies de l'information et de la communication
Auteur Pascal Robert
Mir@bel Revue Flux
Numéro no 36-37, juin-septembre 1999
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier : Les entreprises de réseau entre marché et société
Page 16-22
Résumé anglais The term macro-systems techniques (mst) makes reference to a tool developed during the 19th century (and then perfected in the 20th century) on the same technological basis as that used to create the major communications and transportation networks. This tool served to furnish a model of stability and coordination of relationships among the three concurrent revolutions: economic, political and what J. Beniger has qualified as « control » (the control revolution refers to the set of informational tools for regulating the various industrial revolutions taking place). This model, within which information and communication technologies (ict) play a substantial role, has tended to become destabilized by the rising influence of a rationale favoring deregulation, internationalization and technological sophistication. Such a rationale is aimed at benefiting tools which can now supposedly provide for the most efficient regulation of relations between the latest archetypes of the economic and political revolutions, by relying on the archetype of the third (or « control ») revolution, namely the ict. This article is intended to explore and better grasp all of the parameters pertaining to such a scenario.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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