Contenu de l'article

Titre Les mutations de La Poste de 1792 à 1990, entre ruptures et continuités
Auteur Benoît Oger
Mir@bel Revue Flux
Numéro no 42, octobre-décembre 2000
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier : La Poste et ses territoires
Page 7-21
Résumé anglais From 1 792 to 1990, the French postal service has gone great transformations. Transportation systems, supply services and production processes were improved over time. These improvements were achieved either gradually through long-run reforms (as, e.g., for the development of the network of post offices) or more rapidly (as for computerization). These changes were not always easy, as the postal organization is largely dependant upon the will of legislators and of the ministry of finance.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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